The Fusion 2018: Triops Planet and Triops King
One evening, when we got the offer from the owners of Triops Planet, we decided, after careful consideration and a few rounds of negotiations, to take over Triops Planet.
It was not just an online shop for prehistoric crabs bought, but it was closed a promising merger, which has caused a WIN WIN WIN situation.
Through this merger, our customers not only get top quality, as they are already accustomed to from Triops King, but also a much larger selection of Triops and Faerie crabs. No online store for prehistoric crabs offers such a large selection of species as Triops King.
The owners of Triops Planet can focus in the future exclusively on the breeding of prehistoric crayfish. This allows us to ensure a great diversity of species as well as high quality through regular quality checks and professional breeding. With Triops King, the two owners of Triops Planet have gained a permanent strong and reliable partner.
We at Triops King have gained a strong breeding partner and thus a not inconsiderable extension of our biodiversity. This enables us to not only supply our customers with the greatest biodiversity, but also the widest variety of quantities on the market.
At Triops King, we always strive to provide our customers with the best possible shopping experience and, of course, the best possible quality.
We are happy to introduce new species to you in our new shop, such as Longicaudatus Black, Longicaudatus Multicolour, Mauritancius, Cancriformis Mallorca, Cancriformis Green, Australiensis Green, Beaver tail fairy shirmps and many more.
We are looking into a good future and a long-term cooperation!
Your Triops King Team