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Triops Cancriformis breeding stock 1000 eggs

74,99 €
incl. 19% VAT , Free shipping
  • Available immediately
  • Delivery time: 2 - 4 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
quantity of eggs 

Expert Tip:

We recommend buying at least 150 eggs. So you can only use half and have enough eggs for another breeding.

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Dieser Artikel: Triops Cancriformis breeding stock 1000 eggs


Triops Cancriformis Tadpole Shrimp Breeding approach mix

Triops Cancriformis find their origin in Europe. They are can bred easily and without heater elements, as they feel just as comfortable in cooler temperatures ranging around 22 ° Celsius. Due to the low temperatures, however, the Cancriformis grow much more slowly than other Triops-species. Nevertheless, and perhaps even due to the slightly lower temperatures, their life expectancy is often somewhat higher than that of the heat-loving Triops-species.

Triops Cancriformis are characterized by a relatively short tail and a tabby pattern on their shell. As opposed to other Triops-species which swim through their tank in a very agile and cheerful manner, Cancriformis present themselves as rather quiet contemporaries. They love it to just dig in the sand and are very peaceful Triops. Cannibalism occurs very rarely amongst this Triops-species.

Cancriformis release their first Triops-eggs into the sand after approximately three weeks. From these eggs, new Cancriformis will emerge. What you need to do for that can be found here: how to properly prepare Triops-eggs

Bringing Triops Cancriformis in your living room are an enrichment for every household.

Triops-species "cancriformis":

Size: approx.  4 - 6 cm
Life expectancy: approx. 60 - 90 days
Temperature: approx. 22 ° C.
Hatching rate: approx. every 4th egg hatches

Delivery includes:

1 x Breeding approach mix / egg-sand mixture with around 50 Triops Cancriformis eggs

Shipping weight: 0,03 kg
Item weight: 0,02 kg
productdetail_info1: Size: approx. 5-7cm
experttip: We recommend buying at least 150 eggs. So you can only use half and have enough eggs for another breeding.
productdetail_info2: Life expectancy: about 60 - 90 days
productdetail_info3: Temperature range: 25 - 28 °C
productdetail_info4: Origin: America
Average item rating
Total entries: 9

This is not my first triops breeding try, and experience is much better than other tries.

I ordered the minimum 50 eggs kit, and after 8 days I have almost 20 full shaped near adult triops. In my previous experiencies the number of triops born and surviving to this size was much lower. Curioulsy I have found that I even have one that seems to be not cancriformis but longicaudatus :)

Great hatching level, and beautiful animals 5 from 5
jesus javier r ,DE

Ich habe es noch nicht getestet, aber es ist mit verspätung angekommen.

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 4 from 5

Alles Top. Lieferung in die Schweiz war kein Problem. Danke an das Triops Team.

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 5 from 5
Roland ,DE

Sehr schneller und vorallem sicherer Versand der Ware sehr gute qualität von dem was ich jetzt schon sehen konnte bin vollstens zufrieden gerne wieder

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 5 from 5
Robin ,DE

Beim 1. Versuch mit den Longicaudatus-Eier hat es leider wegen den Temperaturschwankungen nicht geklappt. Mit dieser Sorte und mit dem Trick, das Anzuchtsbecken ins beheizte Wasser des grösseren Aquariums zu tun, damit die Temperatur konstant bleibt, hat es wunderbar funktioniert. Es sind mehrere Tierchen geschlüpft ( weiss es allerdings nicht genau, da sie sehr schwer vom Sand zu unterscheiden sind ). Sie leben nun seit 1 Woche und ich freue mich schon, wenn ich sie ins grosse Becken übersiedeln kann! Echt toll!

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 5 from 5
Giséle ,DE

Die Ware ist schnell und einwandfrei eingetroffen. Die ersten Triopse sind schon geschlüpft. Alles prima!

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 5 from 5
Michael Daub ,DE

Schlüpfen recht viele

Bewertung meiner Bestellung 4 from 5
Jennifer ,DE


Bewertung meiner Bestellung 5 from 5
werner ,DE

Die Eier kamen an und werde sie demnächst mal ansetzen. :) Denke es sollte ein Erfolg werden bei 150 Eiern. ^^

Danke an triops King. :)

Sehr zufrieden 5 from 5
Robbyn S ,DE
Total entries: 9
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